Chocolate Puff Pastry

Chocolate Puff Pastry

Anyone else love a good hack when it comes to cooking? There are times when a store bought pre-made item works just as well as the real thing & when you consider the time saved, sometimes it may be even better. This is the blissful beauty of puff pastry. Can we all agree that purchase & unthaw is a whole lot easier than the alternative? I think we can, so grab some chocolate & let’s get to baking this Chocolate Puff Pastry!

Chocolate is my preferred sweet treat. And since this was intended as dessert number three next to a pumpkin pie & pecan pie bar I wanted chocolate as an option. For some people, chocolate isn’t the be all end all (what’s that like by the way?). Feel free to use this recipe as a guide. If you want to add fruit, nuts, or some sugary combination go for it.

Chocolate Puff Pastry

A simple four ingredient dessert that whips up in no time!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Course: Dessert
Keyword: chocolate, puff pastry, vegan, vegetarian
Servings: 8


  • 1 sheet thawed puff pastry store bought
  • 1-1 1/2 cups chocolate chips or chunks plus 1/4 c more for optional drizzle garnish
  • 1-2 tbsp powdered sugar optional
  • 1-2 tbsp ground cinnamon optional
  • 1 tsp melted coconut oil


  • Thaw the puff pastry prior to use.
    Preheat oven to 400°.
  • Unfold the pastry dough & roll out dough a couple ways in each direction to smooth out. Looking at the dough lengthwise gently score it into three sections, being careful not to slice through the dough.
  • Sprinkle the chocolate evenly along the center section of dough, ensuring that each future bite will get a good bit of chocolate.
    Optional: Sprinkle the chocolate center with half of the cinnamon & powdered sugar. Save the rest for garnishing the finished product.
  • Slice the side sections into small strips horizontally, forming even "branches" on each side.
    Fold over about 1 inch of dough at the top & bottom, pressing down firmly to seal. Then take the sides & braid them over the center, pressing each section firmly. Left, right, left & so on all the way down.
  • Place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper & bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.
  • Remove from oven. Let cool for 1-2 minutes.
    To garnish, dust with the remaining cinnamon & sugar or melt 1/4 cup of chocolate with coconut oil & drizzle over the top.
    Serve immediately while the chocolate is still warm & melted.


Use your favorite type of chocolate.  If using dark chocolate I do recommend using the sugar sprinkle to balance the flavors.
The chocolate will harden once cooled.  To warm up place in the oven for a few minutes.  You can microwave for a few seconds but it will change the texture of the puff pastry.
Add-in:  Feel free to add additional nuts, fruits, swap chocolate for any of your favorite fillings.

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