Time on the Mat

Time on the Mat

If you would have told me years ago that I would practice both yoga & meditation daily I would have scoffed, loudly. Miles on the treadmill, rep after rep of strength training moves that’s what I enjoy. Turns out I really like both! Also turns out I really need both! The time on the mat has changed me in ways I didn’t know were possible. When I say I am now obsessed it is not an exaggeration. I look forward to the peace & solitude. I need that quiet breathwork for reflection. As a go-go-go person, slowing down has never been easy. It certainly doesn’t come naturally. Yet with each day I get stronger both physically & mentally. Has it come with challenges? Absolutely! Did you know you can get a yoga mat burn on your face when you fall out of a pose? Well you can! I did! It was awesome because it reminded every day to keep trying, pushing, persevering until I mastered that move. Am I going to perfect every move? Not in the least! Am I going to keep trying, you bet! I love every inch of this mat. I love the indentations it leaves on my skin. I love that it keeps me upright when my palms are sweating. I love that my pets love to sit on it, usually in the most awkward spot during the flow. Only wish now that I had made the journey sooner!

Do you practice yoga or meditation? Who are your favorite instructors or online classes? Let me know!